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Discussion Tools Practices: Relational

These practices focus on building relationships, encouraging student belonging, and inclusive communication during class discussions


Click on the strategies to explore more resources and information about them.

Model the inclusive language, behavior, and attitudes you'd like to see in the classroom

Reinforce the ground rules set forth in the syllabus for interaction or create new ones for the purpose of discussion in the classroom

Anticipate and prepare for potentially sensitive issues that may come up during discussions – Try to be versed in current events, especially those that could/would affect students (whether that is based on age or marginalized group). Devise personal strategies for managing yourself and the class to turn those potentially heated moments into powerful learning experiences.

Address tensions in the classroom as close to when they arise as possible

Avoid segregating or stigmatizing students by drawing undue attention or sharing information about students

Use student preferred pronouns and names in electronc and in-person communications

Interrupt blatantly racist and discriminatory behaviors when they emerge in the classroom and have everyone reflect on the situation

Have a longer wait time following asking questions for students to think and encourage a larger number of participants

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